(i)To hold, control and administer properties both movable and immovable belonging to the Confederation and all properties hereafter acquired or received as a gift shall be acquired and registered in the name of the Confederation,.
(ii) To purchase books and other materials for the purpose of the Confederation and to subscribe periodicals, newspapers, magazines and journals.
(iii) To publish journals, magazines, pamphlets and to produce audio/video programmes for the purpose of the Confederation
(iv) To appoint employees of the Confederation, to fix their salary and service conditions and to suspend, dismiss or remove them from employment.
(v) To accept endowments, bequests and donations to the Confederation.
(vi) To appoint sub committees and special committee for specific purpose.
(vii) To prepare the annual report to be presented to the annual General Body Meeting and to prepare annual Statement of accounts, budget, estimates for the ensuing year.
(viii) To pass bye-laws not inconsistent with these Rules.
(ix) To conduct meeting, seminars, symposiums and to arrange lectures. Camp. Exhibitions etc. and to give awards, scholarships to the selected ones by the Confederation.
(x) To subscribe or give donations and financially or otherwise aid other societies having, wholly or partly, similar objectives.
(xi) To take membership of any other forums working in the area specified in the objectives of the Confederation.
(xii) To open a branch of the Confederation when necessary or where circumstances warrant.
(xiii) To borrow or receive money or deposit in account on such terms and with or without security of all or any of the property and assets of the Confederation, present or future as the Executive Committee – shall deem necessary or expedient.
(xiv) To purchase, take on lease or exchange or otherwise acquire, manage, administer and deal with any movable or immovable property, rights and privileges which may be deemed necessary, expedient or desirable for any of the objects of the Confederation.
(xv) To establish and maintain a reserve fund of such amount as the Executive Committee may think fit for the promotion and the activities of the Confederation.
(xvi) To hold or establish training centre or other institutions which is meant for attaining the objectives of the Confederation and the revenue shall be utilized for the attainment of the objectives of the Confederation.
(xvii) To do all such matters conducive for the achievement of the objects of the Confederation.
Each Sahodaya shall pay an annual subscription fee of Rs. 3000 or an amount as decided by the Executive committee from time to time. Confederation will also raise necessary funds for its various activities and programmes by way of entry fee / registration fee or through sponsorship, based on the nature of programme/ activity organized. The funds of the Confederation shall remain in a joint account in a Nationalised / Scheduled Bank and will be jointly operated by the President , General Secretary and the Treasurer. (any two).
a. President: The President shall preside over the meetings of the General Body and of the Executive Committee. He shall have discretionary powers in all matters specifically provided for in these bye-laws and power of supervision and control. The President has the power to adjourn the meeting.
b. Vice President: The Vice President shall have the powers of the President in the absence of President, provided the President shall give charge in writing to the Vice President if he is absent from office.
c. General Secretary: The General Secretary shall be the executive authority of the Confederation in all legal and other proceedings and shall sue or be sued in the name of the Confederation. He shall be in charge of all the records of the Confederation. He shall convene meetings of the General body as well as the Executive Commitee of the Confederation in consultation with the President.
d. Joint Secretary: The Joint Secretary shall assist the General Secretary and exercise all powers of the Secretary during his absence. In the absence of both General Secretary and Joint Secretary, power shall be exercised by any member of the Executive Committee authorized by the President.
e. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be in charge of all the funds of the Confederation and he shall disburse the same in accordance with the decisions of the Executive Committee. The treasurer shall maintain the accounts of the Confederation correctly and properly. The Treasurer shall prepare an annual statement of Accounts for the current year and Budget estimate for the ensuing year for the approval of the Executive Committee to be presented at the Annual General Body Meeting of the Confederation.